marți, 18 august 2009

Ce ti-e si cu rasismu'?

Hai ca rasismu' nu-i bun. Am un tovaras...doi tovarasi...MULTI tovarasi, care cand vad acele fiinte enervante ale tarii pe strada cersind, facand spectacol sau scandal, baga o replica de genu' "De mai traia Antonescu...". Din pacate, Antonescu nu mai traieste, iar in casa lui din Bacau, paradoxal, ghiciti cine locuieste?

Si acum, ca cine zicea ca cine se scoala de dimineata, pana la pranz e praf se insela. M-am sculat de dimineata si am primit o groaza de bancuri rasiste. De la Adrian (trademark fraiere).


1. Why does Beyonce always say "to the left, to the left"?
Because black people have no rights.

2. A mexican and a nigger are in a car. Who's driving?
A cop.

3. What's the worst part about being a black jew?
You have to sit in the back of the oven

4. What runs faster than a black man with a TV?
His brother with the DVD player.

5. What's the best way for black women to fight crime? 
Get abortions.

6. Q: What do you get when you mix a nigger and an octopus?
A:I don't know, but its a damn good cotton picker.

ATENTIE! Nu promovez discriminarea. Doar ma distreaza. Nu uitati sa votati in sondaj!

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